Archive for August, 2011

August 25, 2011

Loosing a tooth is such a tangible reminder that your little one is growing up. It is a bittersweet time for me. I had plenty of time to prepare for the event as the tooth had been wiggling in there for several weeks. My daughter was nervous about pulling it out, so we waited and waited. Finally last night she decided she wanted to have me try and see if it would come out. It was good and ready – so I just have it a little push and out it came.

She is very excited now and is asking everyone how they think she looks with her missing tooth. The one next to it is also loose – so I would image she will enter school with both of them gone.

August 19, 2011

Where does the time go? I can’t believe it has already been almost two month since I was at the hospital to photography this little guy’s first breath.

Time does fly. . . that is why I take pictures – it gives me the power to stop time even if just for a few moments. Those moments (pardon the cliche) DO last a lifetime. My daughters LOVE looking at the albums I have created of them. And every time we look at them, it triggers memories of funny happenings and stories I share with them. This would not happen without the pictures.

So my request – if you haven’t taken a picture of your kids this week – go do it. Even it is it just a snap with your cell phone – capture them today, as they are. Create that memory today for you and for your children.

BWT – here is a sneak peek of my little buddy and his beautiful family:

August 15, 2011

With four birthdays in 6 weeks in just our immediate family, the idea of having one big party with extended family to celebrate all summer birthdays was well received. . . and so the first annual Birthday Bubble Bash was planned. Grandma had bought the bubbles thinking the kids would have fun with them. We (well, mostly just the hubby) make pulled pork and other tasty meat morsels. Others brought fruit, veggies, chips and a five-story cake! Needless to say, the BBB was a huge success!

Check out all those gigantic bubbles the kids made – not to mention how you could blow bubbles with just your hands! And of course what would any party be without a frog?