Posts Tagged 'twomommies'

October 25, 2013

It is always tricky around the holidays to take on new clients. I wonder if it will mean I will end up at the hospital rather than with my family Christmas Eve or Christmas day. What will it mean for me to postpone the holidays with my husband and children? Will they understand? Does it make me a bad mom if I admit that I would be OK with it? That I feel such joy being present and capturing a birth even if it interferes with family life?

These were some of the thoughts rattling around in my head when I met with this couple at the coffee shop for our initial consultation. I knew the due date was within a couple days of Christmas. . .and I wondered if I should let it matter. But with births I have learned that things tend to work out with my need to intervene, so I wasn’t surprised when I received the call that labor had started almost two weeks before Christmas. I was able to witness a beautiful birth with an awesome, loving couple, amazing doulas and a supportive hospital staff AND spend Christmas with my family uninterrupted. Life is good!

Baby Tabitha's birth by Minneapolis photographer Megan CrownBaby Tabitha's birth by Sr. Paul photographer Megan Crown Baby Tabitha's hospital birth by Orono photographer Megan Crown Baby Tabitha's hospital birth by Twin Cities photographer Megan Crown Baby Tabitha's hospital birth by Minnetonka photographer Megan Crown Baby Tabitha's hospital birth by Minneapolis photographer Megan Crown Baby Tabitha's hospital birth by Minneapolis photographer Megan Crown Baby Tabitha's hospital birth by St. Paul photographer Megan Crown Megan Crown Photography_0203 Baby Tabitha's hospital birth by Minneapolis photographer Megan Crown Baby Tabitha's fresh48  by Minneapolis photographer Megan Crown

Lots of love to Tabitha and her moms! It was a beautiful day.